
Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...
At our mulitidwelling house, we all share the washer/dryer in the basement which, I think, is a fantastic idea. The owners charge us only a dollar for a wash/dry and it works out really good. All 8 of us at one time or another have forgotten that we have laundry down there and then someone else wants to use it while it's still in the wash or dryer. point is that whenever I go to put wet clothes in the dryer and it is already full of fluffy warm dry clothes, I have a really hard time just leaving them to get all cold and wrinkly in a pile on top of the dryer and plus I rather enjoy folding clothes. I know, I know, "she what?!?!" But ever since Don & I worked at a Laundromat for a little bit, I've loved folding clothes. I like to fold them just so. Nice crisp, even folds, all sides matching up, all sorted nicely and stacked evenly. So I secretly enjoy it when I find a warm, dry load left in there especially when I have the time to fold it. Speaking of which, I think mine is finished.
As many of you well know there is a 7 story condo being built about 10 feet across our back lane. It is wonderful. Mud everywhere. Dirty, smelly, starey construction men everywhere. Backhoes, dumptrucks, cranes and half tons everywhere. Noise everywhere. I think I'll be very sad when this is all over. NOT.
So as per my usual thursday night, my sister and I watched thursday tv at our good friend ccaps house. For the past year we have had the distinct pleasure of now sharing this night with her new baby daughter. I know she was a little hestiant to have us over on thursday nights because the 'baby' might be noisy or cranky or distracting. Well. She was right. Although she is not usually cranky, she distracts the crap out of me and I love it! Especially since she has/is learning to walk in the last couple weeks. It is wonderful! Last night I can hardly remember any of the shows we were having such a good time. We played with her foamy frog chair, she played with my new fuzzy scarf, I fed her like half my oreo flurry, she threw up like a quarter of my oreo flurry. Good Times. But really, I didn't think it possible but every time I see her, her personality is a little more developed. It is a cool thing to be a part of. My favorite part was when she liked to play the game: I-will-use-both-my-hands-and-my-little-sharp-baby-nails-to-smack-you-in-the-face-while-aiming-for-your-eyes-and-smiling-coyly-at-every-one-else, it was really cute. No really, I'm being serious. It was super adorable. Anyways, just when I think she's at the top level of my love thermometer, the mercury blows it right up.
Every friday I work 11:30 to 2:30 at a pita restaurant. I actually quite like the shift--it's short and busy. Usually there are 3 people working, but for the last month or so, it's only been me and one other person which is fine because we can totally handle it. But this morning I realized I had a list of like a hundred things I was hoping to get done and I thought, good heavens is it really necessary for me to take the bus all the way there, work for three hours, take the bus all the way back and then try to finish up my list before I go out tonight? Is it really worth the twenty dollars or so that I would make?
Last night we met my mom in law for supper at BP.
Okay, just so somebody knows, I, unlike the rest of the blogging world, have decided not to participate in nablopomo. Therefore, if I am busy or tired or if I just feel like it I can post
My mom asked me to make a list of things I'd like for my birthday.