A List for Maman
My mom asked me to make a list of things I'd like for my birthday.
So this is just for her and other family members who need some...'help'.
I'm not like expecting the blogging world to send me presents.
I'm also not fobidding them either. Hee, hee. :)
Anyhow, here you go mom:
1. Nivea Face Wash & Toner EXACTLY LIKE CORRIE'S. (ask bec/kim for more info)
2.A Watch. Or more specifically & more boring, a gift cert. to somewhere I can pick my own watch, not because I don't trust you guys, because I am picky and I'm owning up to it.
3.Jann Arden's latest cd, I don't know what it's called. I think it's self titled but it looks all green and leafy with her name in yellow on the front. Here's a picture:

4. A good book of short stories-but not retarded ones. I love them. Especially mixed authors.
5. Perhaps a lovely home-knitted thin(ish) purple scarf...hint, hint...kim....
6. Another stereo shelf like the one dad and becky made for me already (the one that is currently installed in the bathroom).
7. Movie gift certificates are always, always, always welcome. Especially for any of the following theatre locations:
-Cinema City McGillvery Location
-Silver City St.Vital Location
-Grant Park Cinemas
-Towne 8 Cinemas
-Cinema City Northgate Location
-Globe Cinemas
-Silver City Polo Park Location
8. A Personal Portable DVD player--oh wait I've just gotten one for an early birthday present from my wonderful, thoughtful donald. Well then, how'bout some fabulous dvds to go with it.
9. Kernel's candy coated popcorn. I like all kinds but chocolate. Superkid and Berry Blast are my favorites, but I also don't mind Christmas Cheer or the halloween mix. I HATE the raspberry/chocolate mix, caramel is too boring to pay for and I HATE the barbie one(bubblegum and banana - did the popcorn-flavour-inventors have crack in their coffee that day?)
10. Scrabble. The real one. With woodent tiles. I've always wanted my own.
(there we go cynthia and becky, #10 just for you!)
So, that's it. I've racked my brain for it, so that better be good enough.
Feel free to make copies and pass out.
Ha ha!! Just kidding! I'm not that silly.
You can just link them to here.
Kernels popcorn is awesome!!! When is your birthday?
(a) I can't BELIEVE you don't have that Jann Arden cd yet. Wow.
(b) Thank you for making the list to 10.
(c) CRAP! I'm going to have to return that book of retarded short stories that I bought you. Crap, crap, crap!
This is a great list and a testimony to your varied and interesting tastes. If you get scrabble, I'd be happy to play anytime. And I have a board, so if you don't, we can play anyway.
You want the white Nivea stuff? The blue stuff is way better...and thanks for the number 10, I appritiate it... and NO making fun of me for bad spelling if you can't even spell forbidding you dumb jerk! HAHA
p.s. I left you some white rockets on the desk right there for you!
Okay, this post is a week old. Time for something new.
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