My big brother turned 33 today. We celebrated last week with the whole family.
It was crowded, noisy,!
But tonight was different.
Tonight it was quiet.
Tonight I was invited over with just Kurt & Sam.
We had a lovely dinner out with my mom and dad.
Then we went back to Kurt's and put sammer to bed.
Then we played video games.
It was good.
I wished I didn't have to go*.
But I was happy just to have some time with just me and him.
To remind me of the bond that exists between us, that stays unbroken.
What a peaceful celebration.
The comfort of a home away from home.
The joy in watching my brother, a dad (!?),
put his sweet baby boy to bed.
The beauty of watching birthday love pass from parents to son.
The relaxed-ness of guilt free video game playing.
Thanks for inviting me over for your birthday.
It was a good night.
*Darn it all, when is Winnipeg going to get a 24 hour grocery store? Boy would I appreciate it. Even Charlottetown has one. Come ON Winnipeg!