
I was checking out some (real) info using Don's facebook, when I accidentally got sucked into looking at people who I knew(emphasis on the past tense), wasting my bloody time looking at their dumb pictures and even dumber updates.
Why do people do it? Why post every minute, every thought, every single bleeping picture you take for goodness knows who to look at?
It makes me feel like we are one step closer to that sci-fi future prediction of everyone living in their little hovels, eating pills for food and living literally through their computers. ugh.
I just so do not want to be a part of it.
And before you all send me hate comments/hypocrite accusations(actually, you can send them if you really want to!)...
Part of what I like about blogging is it seems (to me) to be just before 'the line'.
You post a good thought for all to read.
Some photos you love.
A story you wrote.
But not your entire life.
Blogs are like a glimpse into the life of the author. Sort of a tease to make you wish you knew them well enough to go on over for a chat and a cup of tea.
So there. I reject you Facebook...stop luring me to waste my life. Let me go for that walk or call that friend or write that thank you card. Let me live [real] life.
And, if I might add, DON'T CALL THE CONTACTS "FRIENDS". Friends are the people that you are honest and vulnerable with NOT some acquaintances who see the photos from your vacation and know that if you were a dog you'd be a saint bernard. AND, you CAN'T have 200+ FRIENDS.
Good post. I agree completely with you. I am on a member of facebook strictly to show my presence in some younger lives and to 'pop' in every now and then. :o)
On the radio this morning they were sure bashing that twitter. People post what they put on their toast and what they just got out of a vending machine? yikes
Perfect post.
I have never ever hooked up to face book and never will. My blog as you put is to share some things in my life with the public and people I KNOW and have told about my blog. What I don't need is to be searched out by everyone who knew me when I was in grade school just so they can see how I turned out and be linked as a "friend" of there's. I think there is a bit of a competition out there to see how many people you can link up as friends and that is how people get the 200 plus.
Not my forte !!!
So you don't want to know that Michele just went pee?
For the record, the mash-up name is Crackbook because it is addicting. And that is the point, some people get addicted and that is what is bad. Same thing can happen to blog writers, same with Twitter, same with the internet itself.
I'm on the complete opposite spectrum. I like Facebook. I only go look at it when I feel like it. I've been able to say hello and talk to many old friends that I otherwise probably wouldn't have. And I'm half a country away from most of my family and close friends, so seeing some pictures of them and their families is important to me.
Also, people make too much of the fact that your network are called "friends". It is simply facebook lingo. Would anyone on facebook really say "I'm good friends will all 250 of my facebook friends" ? People aren't stupid. It is an online social network that can help you connect. Some people overuse it ("crack"book) but others don't.
Now if you really want to be against the system— let's talk about the cell phone. People feeling the need to always be reachable and connected. Walk around talking in a device instead of talking to people around you :-)
I hate facebook too... I hate that I have 1600 friends and when I have a show and I invite them all, only like 6 people show up... some friends.
Ha Ha
OMG!! but here in the blog u are wasting time too!! IDK how you can say all that things ... if you are here writting about facebook, even if you dont like it, wasting time
Well, Cuki, if you would have read the whole post, you'd see the difference between 'wasting' time and sharing/being creative with a select group of people you know. Plus it took me all of 2 minutes to talk about facebook as compared to the hours upon hours people spend on it, I don't consider sharing my quick opinion about something as a waste of my time. But thanks for the comment!
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