Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
So I have this theory.
Don won his first award (finally!) last weekend in Ottawa.

Best Aboriginal Songwriter of the Year
(Canadian Folk Music Awards)
Way to go, Don!
I wasn't there.
However, I have been at all the other award ceremonies.
Could I be his bad luck charm?
Last night only further proved my theory as Don won again!
This time in Toronto for Best Male Artist
(Canadian Aboriginal Music Awards)
Nice one again, Don!
You can SEE him perform here...just skip ahead to 1:29:28
orrrr to see him win, skip to 1:50:50.
(and doesn't he just look goooood?!)
I think I'll be staying home at any future awards shows.
You know, I do what I can to help.
I'm nice that way.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Ellen will be happy...
I heard on the radio today that Oprah is ending her talk show next year. (Not to be finished with completely she will be simultaneously beginning up a small project (just a wee, humble Cable station with 24 hour programing of America's Favourite Lady. Nothing over the top, I'm sure. Drip, drip goes the sarcasm off that sentence.)
Can it really be true??
I can only hope.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Random Wishes...
I wish, quite literally, that I could keep my tongue under control at the dentist. It always seems to embarrass me by not staying put and keeping out of the way.
I wish I was an artist or a photographer, but those just aren't my gifts and I'm learning to deal with it.
I only make fun art accidentally, like this:

I wish that Don could remember the funky version of Silent Night he made up two years ago...oh wait he just did!
See everyone, sometimes wishes DO come true!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We couldn't hear much at the outdoor service we went to this morning, but I still got teary eyed thinking thankful thoughts that I've never had to watch all the men in my life go off to war. The sacrifice that all those men put in still makes me bow my head in gratefulness and vow to remember them & to keep aware of my own country's current involvement in the world today.
Sunday, November 08, 2009
Nice Try, But No Cigar!

Well, Don didn't win any APCMA's again this year, but we sure had a fun.night! Here we are grabbing some drinks at the pre-awards reception...still hopeful! Ha Ha! (Thanks so much whoever you are, we totally wouldn't have any photos without you- we are the world's worst two people for remembering to take pictures!) And I've just got to add, I know I'm his wife, but did you see any of the show? He is way better than everyone else who performed (save Wayne Lavalle-they were great!) and did an awesome after party show at the Regal Begal after. One of his best shows -and shortest!- to date. So Don, Congratulations at just being a good musician and fantastically friendly to everyone, I think you're one of fewer and fewer. And here's to some luck with the rest of your nominations!
PS-How's this for 'Formal Friday's' Donna?!? :P
PS-How's this for 'Formal Friday's' Donna?!? :P