Random Wishes...
I wish, quite literally, that I could keep my tongue under control at the dentist. It always seems to embarrass me by not staying put and keeping out of the way.
I wish I was an artist or a photographer, but those just aren't my gifts and I'm learning to deal with it.
I only make fun art accidentally, like this:

I wish that Don could remember the funky version of Silent Night he made up two years ago...oh wait he just did!
See everyone, sometimes wishes DO come true!
Is this the wishing Blog?
I will throw in my penny...
I wish I was better at my job and actually enjoyed what I do.
I wish Don would share that funky version of Silent Night with the rest of us.
I think the best art is the kind you never intended to make!
HE REMEMBERED IT?!?! THAT IS A DREAM COME TRUE!!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!! ha ha, but seriously, I am excited. Make him record it and send it to me. Thanks! :)
I agree with Don. I think art is whenever we make or do something and go, "Hey, look at that! That's pretty cool!"
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