A Photo Story
Today, while stuffing more extra groceries into my 'post apocalyptic stocked cupboard' , as I call it, I accidentally hit a jar of homemade jelly I've been hoarding off the top shelf.
['the' cuboard, stocked!]
If you've been to my kitchen, you'll know the the cupboards are unreasonably high and hard to reach for tall people, let alone shorties like me.

[the high cupboards]
Just for this very reason, my dad made me a very handy stepstool.
[Step stool that I was not using.]
As it escaped my grasp and made the long fall down, I prepared myself to lose that sweet precious nectar...and to clean it up.
[The jelly leaping to it's death*]
However, I did not prepare myself that at the end of the journey, directly beneath it's leap zone, would be my beloved pottery tea pot taking the brunt of the fall.
Result? Jelly fine. Teapot destroyed.
Lessons learned:
-Don't hoard (heavy jars of) jelly, just eat and enjoy.
-Don't try to be a tall hobbit, just use the step stool.
-Don't use too many expletives over broken pottery
(you may give your spouse/roommate/mother/ a heart attack)
-Turn a bad thing (=broken teapot) into a good thing (=take the trip you've been meaning to take and go meet the potter...and buy a new one)
-Not letting one-of-your-favourite-things-getting-broken ruin your day is much preferable to the opposite
*This photo is a re-enactment by a professional jelly dropper and should not be tried at home.