Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Some people have all the luck...and it's not me.

It's been like the week of the prom in our house this week. Don had some tux fittings, car & hotel arrangements to make, packing and planning and planning and planning... 

Finally tonight, Don is off to the 42nd Juno awards. He has been nominated for Aboriginal Album of the Year. Long story short, I ended up not going, but it turned out for the best...both Oscar & I got a cold, so we're cuddling and commiserating together. Ha. More like we're cuddling then yelling at each other. Fun times...but I digress.

Back on the celebrating side of things, I also realized this week that every time I haven't been able to go to an awards ceremony with Don, he wins. I'm like his bad luck charm..ha ha.  So, we're crossing our fingers tonight that it will work again, and even if we can't be there, we're hoping for the best! And don't worry, we'll be happy to have you back home, Juno or not.

Good luck Papa!
We're so proud of you!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

To Like or not to Like...

So, after you watch a documentary on Netflix about what happens to Porn stars after they're done in the porn industry...what are you supposed to rate it? It was an interesting documentary, but do I really want to rate it, "Liked It", "Really Liked It" or worse yet, "Loved It"? What kind of suggestions am I going to get if I pick any of those?! Maybe I'll just leaved it unrated...

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Where fore art thou?

I was 'spring' cleaning out my bookshelf this week and a book fell open to this page...how appropriate I thought... as I'm doubting to whether I'll ever see another Spring here in Winnipeg again. But thanks, Christina Rossetti, for another good one. 

If I might see another Spring,
I'd not plant summer flowers and wait:
I'd have my crocuses at once,
My leafless pink mezereons,
My chill-veined snowdrops, choicer yet
My white or azure violet,
Leaf-nested primrose; anything
To blow at once not late.

If I might see another Spring
I'd listen to the daylight birds
That build their nests and pair and sing,
Nor wait for mateless nightingale;
I'd listen to the lusty herds,
The ewes with lambs as white as snow,
I'd find out music in the hail
And all the winds that blow.

If I might see another Spring-
Oh stinging comment on my past
That all my past results in "if"-
If I might see another Spring
I'd laugh to-day, to-day is brief;
I would not wait for anything:
I'd use to-day that cannot last,
Be glad to-day and sing.