Monday, February 28, 2011
Friday, February 25, 2011
Best Face book ever.
Last night, when I opened up our laptop, I saw this on Don's face book. How does it not make you laugh?

Here's his profile photo, just in case you're not familiar with Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011
I've got four draft posts on my blogger dashboard, all waiting patiently to be finished. I'm not sure if it's busyness or laziness that prevents me from putting thoughts to keyboard...maybe a bit of both? Is that a paradox? Anyways, many exciting things have I'm gonna try my darndest to get back into blogger world. Most recent exciting thing (wherein I prove what a movie nerd I actually am): tonight I went to see a movie I really wanted to see before it left theatres (Rabbit Hole), and since no one else was really free (Okay, fine, I didn't try that hard to find a companion, but my first three asks didn't work out, so I gave up), I headed over there myself to find, much to my utter delight, I had the theatre to myself! What a treat! If only I'd had a couch...
More exciting things like this (but better, I prOMise) to come soon! (hopefully)