Home Sweet New Home
Fourteen things we love at our new house:
Having our own house number.

These two little housewarming presents we got.

The front porch, which will be more enjoyed in summer--
but is still appreciated now!
The first thing we bought together for our new place.
The arched doorways thoughout the house.

The perfect spot Don found for our letter blocks.
The large windows everywhere that allow for plants in every room!
(I've missed that in basement living for the past few years.)
The perfect little table & step stool my dad made
that just happened to fit in perfectly with our house!
The potential of the backyard including bbqs on our little back deck,
a mini- garden, a compost & most definitely a clothesline!
The cheery yellow basement, that isn't scary at all.
(Like I feared it would be.)
An extendable tap that sprays! Hoorah!
that Corrie bought for my birthday
and that Don put up on my birthday.

And I LOVE having a garage.
I haven't had to scrape windows yet this winter!
So if you want to see more, stop by soon for a chat and a cup of tea!