Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

It's heeeerrrrrrrrrre...

I loved Halloween SO so much as a kid. I was always so confused as to why (some) people had to make a big religious deal out of it. If you don't want it to be scary, then just dress as a pirate or a butterfly and focus on the fact that EVERYONE is GIVING away CANDY. What is so wrong with that??? As I've gotten older, I've been a little more open to hearing other people's opinions, but I still generally think that way. (Although I do especially respect this blog post...) Then a few years ago, I heard the great Jerry Seinfeld do this routine and it was all perfectly clear. That IS Halloween. He got it. At least for me anyway. Take a listen here (at least to the first three minutes) and I dare you to do your best not to laugh.

Then go eat some delicious candy.

Also, Halloween is extra good this year ... Don gets home from tour!


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