Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Photos Pour Vous

Sometimes it seems like everywhere I look, something catches my eye that reminds me of people I love thousands of km's away. So I started snapping shots that remind me of ... many of you! Enjoy!

For Cynthia; who showed me by example that famous monuments can still look interesting/beautiful, if you find a new new/different perspective for them...

For Kurt: Here's the promised pint in a nice warm, cheerful pub - The Sommerset Wagon.

For Annika & Nicole; This store made us all think of both of you!

For Melodie; can there be anything better than this??

For Mom; with that unreasonable love of mugs!

For who else, but Monsieur Jean Louis. A whole store?! Awesome.

For Justin; how cool is that?!

For Dad; this (absolutely real!) plane looked to be hanging from just one cable and was only about a foot from the floor!

For Becky; I swear bec, this busker (dressed, as I can only assume, Mr.Tumnus) was playing a flute type thing that sounded exACtly like you'd imagine it to! The most dedicated busker we've seen to date.

That's it for now, but we're bound to have another post or two like this in the coming weeks! Still to come... 'Fun/Pain dans Paris' and 'Home Sweet Portugal 2'....


At 3:38 p.m., Blogger Terry's Girl said...

Loving the stories behind the photos....nice touch. Can't wait for part deux.

At 7:28 p.m., Blogger ccap said...

J-L was reading this over my shoulder and his comment on the pub photo: "Shocking! Daryl's having a beer."

At 8:56 p.m., Anonymous Mom said...

Mugs, mugs, mugs!! If I could only get one from each country I would be the happiest of happiest.:) However, I know that is too much to wish for so I will cherish the picture of the Mug Shop.


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