Eat, Drink, Be Merry!
Ahh, a weekend of friends, laughter and eating!
(No wonder I couldn't fit into that bridesmaid dress on Monday.)
Friday night we went out to our friends house for some of their venison sausage for supper(Don enjoyed it, but I think once was enough for me!). We had a great time eating, talking, visiting and having some very beginner hip hop lessons from don!

Dessert #1 Angel Food Cake
(avec Lemon Whipped Cream & Berries)
Saturday night we had our friends/neighbours/landlords over for a sort of 'thank you supper' (for all the help they've given Don the past few months), followed by a Steve Bell concert and finished up with tea and dessert afterwards. Another good night, and a fun highlight was when Steve spotted Don in the audience at his concert and invited him up to play a couple of songs!

Spring Salads=delicious!

Dessert #2 -Peaches & Cream Pie
The next day we last-minute-lazy-sunday-afternoon-decided to have Corrie & Daryl over to make supper together(a tasty new recipe we re-named 'Hello John Chicken'), have a few drinks and play some good old Trivial Pursuit:LOTR. I have to say it was a pretty good night especially towards the end of the game when the drinks we're really kicking in!

Mmmm.. Hello John Chicken

Dessert #3-Sugared Strawberries
& French Vanilla Yogurt
Sadly I ended my happy supper times Monday night with a quick 6 inch veggie from Subway, but what a fun weekend. It almost felt too filled up and busy, but not quite. I think all the good company had something to do with it. ;)
Hello John
Chicken *is* delicious. Helped, of course, by snap peas and the company : )
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