Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Monday, September 10, 2007

Name Change.

Well, after 3 years I finally changed the last account over to my 'married' name. It was mostly out of laziness that I didn't change it over sooner, I am not like super attached to my maiden name or anything. Don't get me wrong. I still love it. I love the difficulty of it. I will always have a definate connection with it. But I won't obsess or regret.
My 'new' name suits me just fine.
Sometimes I just like to carry on tradition.
Am I sad to not really be able to track my new name back in history?

A little.
But I still there is something about saying to someone "This is how much I am commiting to you," (And I don't want to hear any comments about it going the other way, etc.) "I am willing to join you and begin something new."
I like to think of it as a present for them, no matter how old fashioned that seems.

Although, would I still feel this way if it was a name I didn't like? ;)


At 2:16 p.m., Blogger corrie said...

Well, I would comment but you told me not to.

At 8:20 p.m., Blogger ccap said...

I don't think it's old fashioned at all. And I think it's a very sweet gift to give someone even though I chose not to do so.


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