Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Why I Believe In Destiny.

Friday morning I took the resident dog here at our lovely address for a walk.
He was fairly excited and I was pretty happy too.
We were far enough away from the house that it wasn't worth going back for and I, revealing myself as not a dog owner, realized I hadn't forgotten the 'required' plastic bag. There and then I prayed, "Please God, let him just have to pee!". Then I promptly forgot about it.
We had a lovely walk.
It was snowy+he's some kinda hound-ie. likes sniffing=lots of cute and funny snowy snout expressions.
We walked another couple blocks.
He bounded off into the snow once again.
And then.
He wouldn't heel.
I tugged the leash once.
I tugged twice.
I turned around in horror movie slow motion.
At this exact moment, i look down.
I am standing on an empty albeit muddy grocery bag.
There was not another one on the sidewalk before then.
There was not a bag on the road on the last block home.

But there was one in the precise place jed decided he needed to stop.
Had he decided to 'go' 10 steps earlier or later I can assure I would not have searched the streets for a bag. I just would have felt very bad and guilty.
That, in my books, is fate.
Or one really, really, really, smart dog.


At 8:50 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

jed is really in touch with the spirit. i'm sure he was "told" where to go.


At 5:20 p.m., Blogger Linda said...

Next time, just cover it with snow. Of course, I've never done that but I'm sure it would work if you've forgotten a bag.

At 5:35 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL!!! that's hilarious!!

At 6:54 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you not think the whole idea of picking up poop in a plastic bag is absolutely ridiculous. We are forced to pick up the most natural and biodegradable substance in the universe and envelope it in plastic as to perserve it for eternity. It makes me crazy, however, I also do not like stepping in you know what!


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