They're heeeerrrrre...
It seems the mosquitos have finally
found their way into my backyard.
I know, I KNOW, I live in Winnipeg, what do I expect?
But it's just been sooooo nice without them.

Welcome back mosquitos, the battle resumes.
10 down, only 75, 456, 234 left to go.
And here now as well! Holy Cow they did a number on my poor ankles last night. Little buggers.
They were just awful at The Forks last night! Kurt and Sam got eaten alive! I only got one bite on my hand. I'm so thankful that they don't find my blood tasty!
Oh come on. There's more than that and you know it.
Which will drive me crazy first, the 75,456,234 mosquitos or the bug zapper that our neighbors behind us just got the other day that goes zippity, zap, zap aaaal
night long!? Oh, now it is only
75,456,220 mosquitos left to go. :(
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