Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Thursday, May 13, 2010

that was close

Today I brought my brand new bottle of "Sweet Almond Milk" lotion (discount at Zellers-hurrah!) to work. I twist the pump top in the 'Open' direction, smell the deliciousness, then pump it vigorously to start my work day smelling nice. No luck. Nothing comes out. I try again and again and finally, reluctantly twist off the whole pump top hoping it's not broken. 'Oooooh, this is weirdly slimy lotion' I think to myself still inhaling the intoxicating smell and savouring my good find on the bargain table. I suddenly realize it is very weird lotion and dip the lid up and down, up and down a few times just staring at the strange consistency. I swipe a bit onto my finger, rub it onto my hand at the exact same moment my brain kicks in and says "This looks like SHAMPOO!" Sure enough, a quick turn to the label lets me see the words 'Body Wash'. Sigh. So much for my nice smelling beginnings at work. Well, I guess it still would have smelled nice rubbed all over my face and arms, it just would have been a very... soapy rest of day. Here's hoping the lotion version is still on that bargain table...


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