My Public Announcement
We've actually been needing one for a while now.
I was having trouble admitting that we actually "needed" one...
but with two people now working from home
and don away from home for more than two months a year
and attempting to work from the road (in internet cafes..ugh)
we bit the bullet and placed our order...on!
That's right. We ordered a Macintosh. A macbook pro.
After working on pc's for years and years and years and, I might add, being completely anti-mac, I am admitting today to the not only willing, but excited purchase of one last Tuesday.

Now, I'm not trying to convert anyone (like I have any friends who care about that kinda stuff...except you Daryl), I am merely stating my own happy conversion. And I'm not trying to sound like a completely materialistic has been a long, long road to be able to impress me. I didn't give up the pc world easily, but after working and playing on their products for the last 2-3 years, their ideas for making things easier for their users are just so helpful, smart and modern. It takes a little getting used to, but if you are open to being might be able to understand the goodness too.
For now...I am happy to work on the couch and watch missed tv shows in bed-hurrah!
And a big thank you to my in house (well, practically), always on call computer specialist, d-hibbie, for just making the transition sweeter.
Does it really make playing solitaire THAT much easier?
What's her name? Oops! Is it a boy? It's just from the picture I assumed it was a girl, maybe you should put a pink or blue bow on it so we know...
Hello Pam. This is your official welcome to the Apple family (every customer gets a personal greeting from me, Steve Jobs - Billionaire Extraordinaire).
Who is this Daryl guy you speak of? He sounds like an incredibly knowledgeable, talented young man. I could use a man like that.
Anyhow, if there's anything you ever need for your new baby, you can call me on my direct line.
All my love,
Steve Jobs
I care and you made the right a few weeks you'll wonder why it took you so long to get a mac
I think your only problem is that you didn't get one for each of you... who gets custody when Don is on the road, for instance? Likely, Don.
This could cause some problems.
And a personal message from Steve! I don't think Bill has ever done that.
Well I'm sure she will be able to suffice with their desktop mac when don is on the road...
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