Pam's Addiction

It's true.
I am addicted to Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution USA.
Have you seen it?
It is fan-bleeding-tastic!
What he is trying to do is incredible.
Basically his goal is to change the hot lunch school programs to fresh, healthy, tasty food on budget so that the kids will be happier, smarter, more focused, healthier, etc. Then hopefully that will take it a step further and teach families that it's not as hard to do it at home too! He's giving free cooking lessons at a temporary store he's set up in 'the fattest town in the US' and he's going to people's houses, who are at the end of their food rope to help them change their detrimental diets and help save kids.
Really, really, he's just trying to start by planting a seed in fat people's brains that they don't have to eat the horrible processed frozen fake deep fried crap called food that is forced at them by many, many industries.
And while a lot of them are starting to get on board, a bunch are not. It is soooooo demoralizing. I know it's just a tv show, but I think it's brilliant of him to use the medium that is helping keep them down to help change their lives. And mine. It makes me think...hmmm, what can I make for breakfast, lunch, supper today that will be good??
I think the big pie in the sky hope is that it will snowball to where people change how food is processed, advertised, sold, consumed. Yeah, yeah, it's a big dream. But I'm a believer.
So if you like him, take a peek.
If you don't, can you at least appreciate what he's doing?
If you're American, sorry about that, but you can go sign his petition to change school food and guidelines so that french fries don't count as two servings of vegetables for those poor fat kids.
And I'll just be happy that Canada didn't make the top ten fattest countries list...yet.
Why are you sorry if people are American? I mean aside from the obvious...ha ha
I like this fellow! He's a nice chap.
I saw a story coverage on the news a while ago regarding what Jamie Oliver is doing, he teamed up with Ryan Seacrest to do this and had an on air tiff with a radio guy who was pissed off this outsider was coming into their town to tell them what to do...just who do you think you are? Well Jamie took the man and proceeded to show him the super giant coffins that are now being mass produced and and different angle of just what his city looked like. I was moved by this story, this guy cares, Jamie cares. I hope he succeeds, I hope they all succeed. I am a big fan of the Biggest Loser and all shows out to help people help themselves. I like this new turn for reality t.v. I'm hooked. I wish I could run down to America and join Jamie.
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