Of information that you probably don't really need...but I'm home sick today and thought it was a good time to...catch up on the life of Pam. And Don, by default. Feel free to skip ahead or leave anytime your bored. ;)
~Our favourite people took us to a Goldeye's game for Don's birthday. It was fun, but the best part was definitely the great fireworks at the end of the night.
~Have you heard about the rat problem in Swift Current this summer? I heard it on The Current (ha ha) on CBC a few weeks ago. One word: ugh.
~We decided to go the cabin for a straight week and had a lovely time with lots of fun friends visiting, a couple of birthday celebrations, lotttttts of hot july days, swimming, and about a bazillion freezies. That's right Daryl and Justin- a bazillion. For a more lovely description see here.
~This summer we haven't been home much. No big secret. But I wanted flowers. So I bought a few...which mostly died. And Corrie got me some of my favorites-Cosmos off of freecycle. I haven't really done any watering, weeding or pretty much anything, but just look at them now!! Next year? Cosmos everywere!
~We had a sleepover with Don's nephews a couple of weeks ago. It was a good time, but when they left, I found my self wondering...will I ever feel like I want to have my own kids? I love love LOVE all the kids in my life right now, but when I have to leave them, it is pure happiness to come home just with Don. I think it's a hard thing for lots of people to get. People often say, "Oh, you'll feel differently soon." Really? Will I? Because I am in a happy marriage with a good life and everything should be pointing to kids, but it's just not. I wonder if/when that might change...
~I love fall. But truth be told I love summer more. And this July-in-September weather? I am LOVIN' it. It's awesome. The only drawback? The sun sets waaaaaay too early.
~I am seriously considering quitting my lesser part time job to work with Don and help him with the office side of his music career. It would be fun and tricky. Maybe you'd want to keep us in your prayers during the next month or so while we work out the details? That'd be great.
~Have you heard of Park(ing) Day? It's happening this Friday & looks like great fun! I wish I had enough time/energy/creativity to do it...let me know if you see any around Winnipeg!
~I love decorating cakes. In fact I used to want to be a cake decorator when I was in Junior High, but then once I realized all the cool looking cakes taste gross and are mostly fake sugary stuff (and not deliciously sweet icing at all!), the dream fell away. But then in the last 5 years or so, I've had the opportunity to work on making awesome looking-great-tasting-cakes for people I love in a fun, non stressful way with my older sister, corrie. We (well, I) had lots of fun making special occasion cakes for weddings and birthdays, but now we haven't had one in a while. I'm not asking for orders here, I was simply thinking about it lately. Maybe one day I'll be able to gather photos of them all..that would be fun to look at. For now, this is my favorite one still, a cake for our youngest sister, becky, who was a little obsessed with Narnia...

~I got a...haircut! If you know me, you know I am a little afraid of hairdressers. That they will...chop it all off, so to speak. Well, that and I'm cheap. But this spring a friend of mine who is a hairdresser gave me a gift certificate, so I had no more excuses. I told her I didn't want to have short hair, but other than that she could do what she liked...which pretty much meant about 7 inches gone and the rest in soft layers. Three weeks later and I still feel oh so fashionable. I love it. (You can sort of see it in the pictures with the cosmos. What do you think?)
~We went on a canoe trip with Corrie & Daryl late in August. It was divine. Except that we forgot a camera. :( This post? It pretty much all happened, plus: I picked up a cute little turtle, we partook (?) in a little skinny dipping(!), and had one of the calmest nights I've evvvver seen. Heard. Both. Alllll night, just dead silence. Beautiful. I can't wait until next year.
~And most recently, Survivor begins tomorrow night! I am thrilled! I love the way the past years thursday has turned into a night of chatting, laughing, eating, watching and relaxing with my favourite people. Hands down my favorite night of the week. And it begins tomorrow for the 19th time.
orange or purple freezie!
Gotta get me some Cosmos--care free and gorgeous? I'm in!
try checking out a book entitlted 'No Kids-40 good reasons not to have kids' might be interesting to you.
It might be easier to say than to do but I vote for quite your lesser job and jump in...there will always be 'lesser jobs' out there to fall back on. Go for it!
I wish I could heed soem of that and quit my day job for a lesser job..sooooo bad!
Park(ing) Day has now been passed on to a group on energetic graphic design people who may be interested in next year..I am excited to see this spread...ditto on the no energy/creativity.
Maaannn I wish we were closer to indulge in your love of cake decorating..DQ and S.O.F. is all my kids get..*sad face*
Congrats on the hair cut, its sooo hard to trust...looks good in the pic.
I am going to try AGAIN to watch Survivor. Every year I get soo excited to start watching again and life gets in the way..i use to NEVER miss at the begining. 19?? really? this is the season I get into it again.
Hey! I did enjoy making cakes! It was the transporting of them that I hated. And when things didn't go right and the icing just melted everywhere. And when we had to frost thousands of petals and grapes. Okay... so I liked the designing of cakes more than I actually liked making them... still, we had a good run while it lasted : )
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