Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Bachelor Girl

That's right.
I haven't done one lick of housework the last 3 busy busy days.
The house is an incredible mess.
Dirty dishes literally overflow the sink & cover the counter.
Movies are spread out all over the rumpled couch.
Glasses are left to dry out wherever I set them down.
The empty roll is still on the holder, new roll on the floor.
The bed is unmade and clothes lay where ever they fall.
I make no excuses.
I just don't care.
I'll get to it soon...maybe.
(It's a good thing I don't live alone all the time.)

Just please don't drop by unexpectedly. 


At 12:47 p.m., Blogger beckster said...

Thats what my room would look like if...(and yes I know I'm pathetic, but I do NOT ask her to)...Mom didn't clean it for me! Oh boy, thats awful, but very true. I don't ask her, I just don't complain when she does!


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