Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Simple Phrase

You know what Paintstores*?
I realize that you probably aren't swamped with customers mid october and therefore may only have one employee scheduled for a Tuesday afternoon, but if that is the case and there happens to be more than one customer in the store...perhaps you should think about investing in a short customer service training course for that employee. Because let me tell you: I do not appreciate having to go to 3 different stores before I get a simple, "I'll be right with you Miss!" and I can finally stop milling around like a lost cow amongst the herd and patiently wait my turn for my 1 can of dark chocolate tinted paint.
Okay? Okay.
*And I do mean to generalize that to ALL store that sell paint-including big home renovation stores and small mom and pop paint stores! Argh.


At 3:33 p.m., Blogger Kim O said...

new post time!


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