Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


You may think (from the title) that this post has to do with the last post concerning the basement, but you'd be wrong.

After typing 'purging' I wondered if I spelled it right and used my lazy spell check way of typing it into google search. Well I did spell it right, but the next 4 things in the drop down menu just made me sad.

Side note: usually the drop down menu de-lights me with it's suggestions of what it thinks I am trying to type. I find it pretty hilarious(especially, as my sister showed me, if you start typing 'How To...' many fun suggestions then)!

However, this time, the next four things midway through typing 'purg' were, in order: purging tips, purging tips and tricks, purging definition, purging anorexia. It just seemed so...wrong that suggestions for tips and tricks came up before definition and disease.

Come ON Google workers, make it better! (I don't actually know how it works, I just like to hope that the google mass has some sort of control on how suggestions pop up other than who paid the most, or what was the most popular-at least for things of this nature, but probably not. Hey a girl can hope, can't she?)

Anyway, out of curiosity, I clicked on tips to see what the hoards of beautiful teenage girls who think they're hideous are finding on their google searches and....ugh (check title of post).

I hate when I find the worst parts of the internet.


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