Just Me

Nothing fancy. Nothing Inspiring. Nothing really...

Friday, April 20, 2007


So, as my 'poor' sister endures one of the worst reads of her life, I am having a lovely read by a book she gave me. It's called 'Crow Lake' by...um...I'm ashamed to say I can't remember! I think it's Mary Lawson. Anwyways, while it's not happy, happy, joy, joy (actually I find that the best books never are) I really like the way she writes. One of the best sentances I've ever read jumped out at me so much, that I reread it, I think 3 times before conitnuing reading. This is it:
"In the bushes behind us the cicadas sang their hymn of praise to the sun."
I'm not sure why it hit me like it did.
I have this thing about seeing people do what they're born to do doing it. And when I catch them at it, just out of the corner of my mind, I love it. I guess that's how I felt about that sentance. Mary Lawson is definately born to be a writer. And I love that.

Now if only I can find what I'm born to do....


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