Thursday Thirteen of niceness...
The past couple of weeks, my big sister has been pretty much the nicest person ever.
So today's list is a tribute to her.
Thirteen nice things Corrie did for Pam this week:
1) Had us over for lunch*
2) Had us over for supper*
3) After complaining about pregnancy rib(yes, that's the scientific name), sent me an article on relief for it
4) Let me order a jeannie cake for Daryl's coming home party (I'm pretty sure he doesn't really care about the cake type...)
5) Let me take ALL the leftover jeannie cake home!
6) Told me to start watch a new show, that is now my fav. ('Happy Endings' should watch it.)
7) Sent me an article on how to up my iron levels with blackstrap molasses (which I seriously need to increase if I want to have a home/non-hospital birth)
8) Went to see a suuuuuuper dumb movie with me while don was "too busy" for movies**
9) Bought me (for the second time) a pair of great maternity pants at the thrift store
10) Didn't get mad at me after I ate all the fresh blueberries my mom bought her***
11) Actually listens to me whine aLOt about certain topics I can't mention on a public blog...
12) Offered to fill in for me at work so I can take a wicked awesome trip during September
13) Gave us, seriously, the most dee-licious zucchini carrot cake. I don't know how she gained these tasty healthy cake making skills, but SO good.
I mean, come ON? Can you get any nicer than all that stuff?!? Plus she took a freakin' whack load of pictures with me (fine, and everyone else...obsessed much?) at the photo booth at Becky's wedding. I know- she's pretty awesome. You can be jealous.

*Us=Me & Don...duh. But by having both of us over for supper, that's like double the nice points. Of course just having one of us would be negative points...
**No, I'm not admitting what movie it was, and yes, we should have waited for the cheap seats. But it was Towne 8, which on Tuesday nights is the same price as the cheaps so I don't feel bad. So there.
***Fine, she doesn't looooovvvvve blueberries like I do. But I did say I'd buy her some more and by the time I got around to it, they were all gone from the stores. Who knew the blueberry season was so short?!
Kay, now I'm blushing, dontcha know it's my job to look out for you? PLUS it's pretty easy to be nice to you. PLUS I've had lots of practice being a big sister, what with having three little sisters. PLUS don't make fun of my love of photo booths, it's totally justified. PLUS we need to spread the word about Happy Endings. (Good Job)
Anyway... thanks : )
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