Even though our lives seem to be All About Baby right now, I am bound and determined not to let this turn into a 'mommy blog'. Luckily I have many great examples of people who are mom's and yet their blogs still contain many parts of their lives including their kids. Since the other part of my life lately seems to be sitting on the couch watching tv, I have a recommendation for you.
Check out this BBC mini-series from a couple of summers ago.
A new version of Sherlock Holmes.

No, not the movies that have been coming out the last couple of years, a 'brand new' version and I. Am. Addicted. Saddest part? There are only three of them! I watched them on Netflix, but I'm sure you could find them where ever you watch tv online... I already love Martin Freeman (Watson), but love him even more after watching these and I totally enjoy watching 'Sherlock', he makes a great socially inept genius puzzle solver who you love to hate. Plus I love watching shows base in fun.
Each episode is about an hour and a half, so it's like getting in a good movie annnd Daryl just told me the next three episodes just came out! Hooray! Enjoy!
I just discovered this show too! It's fantastic!
We've watched one of the three new episodes and every time I think about watching another one I get sad. Only two new episodes left, wah!
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